[#14] THREE Steps To Generating Motivation for Undesirable Tasks

Ask anyone in this world to think of something they must do everyday that they simply dislike doing. Go ahead, do it. I’m sure it will take all of about 3 seconds for them to come up with a specific example of something that they hate doing. You might already know something that you hate doing, too. Think of that thing now. Got it?

For some undesirable tasks, you are able to find the motivation to complete them. Others are left unfinished day after day. We feel like we “have” to do them, yet we go on living without doing them and see no immediate consequences. From this, a pattern is formed, and soon we haven’t done the thing(s) that we know we should have been doing all along for YEARS. This is another way of saying we’ve “fallen off the wagon”.

Today, we will explore how motivation works. We will then discuss 3 specific, actionable steps you can take in times of peril to help you GET BACK ON THE WAGON- steps that will help you generate motivation to complete undesirable tasks.

Let’s dive in.

It’s easy for most of us to throw out blanket statements about our level of motivation. “I’m just not a very motivated person” or “I have zero motivation to complete _(insert task here)__” are popular phrases and likely things that you have said before.

While it is true that you may have natural inclinations towards completing and not completing certain tasks, it is simply not true that you are not a motivated person.

Generally speaking, humans don’t vary in their level of motivation. There is not a chemical imbalance in your body that is forcing you to engage in a sedentary, lazy lifestyle. It would be silly to suggest such a thing, though most people imply it when they compare their level of motivation to others. We all are given the same tools to find motivation; it’s just that the majority of us have no idea how to leverage these tools against ourselves to reach our goals.

The reality is that the people who find the motivation for undesirable tasks simply have established a strong enough connection to the end result- their goal- that allows them to get these things done without fail.

Tony Robbins likes to say, “There is no such thing as an unmotivated person- just people with impotent goals.” A very simple way of saying that motivation can be found by anyone if they can create a strong enough desire for the attainment of that thing.

And with that, we can dive into our actionables. As promised, here are the three things you can do TODAY that will help you find motivation for things you don’t particularly enjoy doing.

STEP #1. ESTABLISH A COMPELLING “WHY”-  If I held a gun to your head and said, “If you don’t run a marathon 6 months from today, I’m going to put this bullet in your head”, do you think that regardless of your level of fitness right now you’d achieve your goal?

Ignoring the technicalities and bold nature of the example, there is a point I’m trying to make. Without a doubt, you would complete that marathon 6 months from that day. Why? Because if not, you’re going to die. Running hurts, but living is still the preferred outcome. That’s a rather compelling reason to do something, is it not?

Often times, we lose sight of the reason behind WHY we are doing something when we become too focused on HOW we are going to do it. Here’s an example that really works- you may be able to relate to this one a little better:

Imagine that you have are a working man or woman with a family at home, and that you have a job that you HATE. I’m talking about a nightmare of an occupation here- some place you literally have to will yourself to go to every single day. Now, imagine (or smile because it’s your actual situation) that you’ve been employed here for THREE years. You have NEVER liked it, but you continue to work there day after day.

This is tangible evidence that you have a high level of motivation. You have will that is unmatched by most in completing this undesirable task everyday. Yet for some reason, when it comes to your health, you are unable to exercise more than 1-2 days in a row without falling off the wagon.

Here’s where your “WHY” makes all the difference. Why do you still work there?

Because you have a family to feed. The pain associated with not being able to pay your bills or feed your family is greater than the nonsense you have to put up with at work. This is your established, compelling “WHY” that comes in handy in times of peril. You are able to endure the adversity because you have a rock solid reason for doing what you do.

The moment you establish a “WHY” behind anything that you dislike doing, you instantly create leverage for yourself and your ability to complete the task.

Think about the task you hate, and ask yourself WHY. Make it compelling and get down into the nitty gritty of your psyche if you have to. If it’s meaningful, it will last.

STEP #2. GET EXTRAORDINARILY CLEAR ABOUT YOUR GOALS- We’ve already covered how clarity can help you reach your goals more effectively. Take the time to practice visualization and see exactly what it would be like to obtain the thing that you want.

Think about any time that you’ve ever been incredibly motivated in your life. Weren’t you able to picture EXACTLY what the outcome would look and feel like PRIOR to obtaining that thing?

From getting your dream job during the grind of finals in college to running up the tallest hill in your neighborhood to prepare for a 10k, you KNEW what you were going to get out of it- and what you were going to get is what kept you going.

By gaining clarity, you create even more leverage for yourself on the things that seem undesirable. After all, you now know what your reward will be for putting the work in!


Here’s the kicker, and here’s also the step where your mind instantly thinks, “Crap, I knew he was going to say something like that.”

You need to start on the path to your goal. No more excuses, no more negative self-talk, and no more days off. Understand that motion creates emotion. The moment you begin on the path towards your goal, you check off the most difficult box on the list.

You gain the most leverage over yourself by repeatedly doing the things you dislike doing.

Day 1 will go by, and you will now have experienced exactly what it was like to be the person you need to be. You no longer have to assume or live off predispositions because you have an actual idea of what it’s going to be like. The best part is that it probably won’t be anywhere near as bad as you thought it would be. Maybe you even enjoyed it. Powerful stuff, huh?

This is the final step to generating motivation- simply DOING. The moment you begin on the path to your goals you will be liberated from the confines of who you were previously. You are no longer weighed down by the burden of what might be right or wrong, because now you are out there doing it.

These are your 3 steps to freedom through generating incredibly high levels of motivation. Decide what you want, leverage these tips against yourself, and get to work.

Yours In Motivation,
Coach K